Dean Speaks to the World

UN Global Compact asks Dean Cycon to speak at annual meeting

Dean Cycon will speak on a panel entitled, "Human Rights: Setting Policy and Addressing Stakeholder Expectations" on Monday, April 28, 3:34pm at Harvard Business School as part of the UN Global Compact's annual networking meeting on human rights. In addition he will speak to the UN Global Compact's Human Rights Working Group on Tuesday, April 29 in Boston on the topic of the "Challenges and Opportunities of the Human Rights Working Group."

Cycon is honored to be sharing the podium with the International Business Leaders Forum, the Business and Human Rights Resource Center, and the Institute on Business and Human Rights. The keynote speech will be delivered by Mary Robinson, President of the Ethical Globalization Initiative and the former President of Ireland.

"The UN Global Compact is a framework for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. As the world's largest, global corporate citizenship initiative, the Global Compact is first and foremost concerned with exhibiting and building the social legitimacy of business and markets."

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