Bird Friendly® Certified

All of our coffee is shade grown under native canopy, which is inherently good for migratory birds. However, a few coops have taken it a step further to get officially certified by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center as Bird Friendly® Certified Coffee. ASOBAGRI in Guatemala is certified SMBC Bird Friendly®, and we were recently able to help our good friends at the Pangoa coop in Peru achieve their certification as well. We helped with administration and the cost, and want to do the same for the rest of our coops, since we know they'd pass with flying toucans, errrr, colors.

Each of the coffees on this page contain 100% Bird Friendly® certified coffee. As we add more SMBC coffees to our line up, keep an eye out for the logo so you can easily choose certified Bird Friendly®.


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