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Guatemalan French Roast

Product image 1Guatemalan French Roast Coffee - Front Label
Product image 2Guatemalan French Roast Coffee - Back Label
Product image 3Guatemalan French Roast Coffee - 5 pound Bag
Product image 4Guatemalan women stamping forms around a table
Product image 5A young Guatemalan farmer surrounded by coffee plants

Regular price $19.59

Cupping Notes: Bold. Bittersweet. Smoky.
USDA Organic Logo Fair Trade Federation Logo Bird Friendly Logo
Whole Bean/Grind

[Roast Level] Dark

[Region] Huehuetenango, Guatemala

[Cooperative] Los Jovenes, ASOBAGRI

[Partners Since] 2001

[Altitude] 1650m

[Varietal] Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra

[Processing Method] Fully Washed

We’ve collaborated with this community to design and implement the following initiatives:

  • Youth Agroforestry
  • Native Fruit Tree Reforestation
  • Maternal Women's Health
  • Women's Microcredit

Read more below...

Our Guatemalan beans come from ASOBAGRI cooperative, a great coop that has worked for years to achieve consistent, specialty-grade coffee favored by many leading micro-roasters. We have been directly trading with ASOBAGRI since 2001. Over the years, ASOBAGRI has instituted literacy courses, organic and sustainable farming trainings, reforestation, youth in agroforestry programs and many other initiatives made possible by Fair Trade and Direct premiums.

We have worked directly with farm communities in Guatemala for over two decades during times of danger and peace. Our innovative, award-winning programs include microcredit, women�s health and youth self-esteem.

A mountainous country speckled with a dozen different indigenous peoples trying hard to hold onto their cultures in a globalizing era, Guatemala produces amazing coffees. There are actually eight identifies microclimatic regions around Guatemala and each will produce a slightly different flavor profile. Notable regions include Huehuetenango (acidic and winey), Chimaltenango (sweet, acidic, citrusy), Lake Atitlan (full-bodied and citrusy), and Antigua (rich aroma, sweet taste). The dominant characteristics of Guatemalan coffees are their smoky, bold taste, pleasant acidity, and hidden sweetness.The volcanic slopes of Huehuetenango produce a small, dark green bean that delivers a smoky flavor, medium acidity with vanilla and chocolate undertones.

Youth in Agroforestry Program (2017-ongoing):

  • Young farmers fruit tree reforestation and income program
  • Empowering young farmers with information and land to continue in agricultural traditions of their ancestors
  • Educating farmers on how to combine traditional farming techniques with new technologies to combat climate change
  • Funding commitment to date: $16,000

Empowering Girls in Guatemala (2008-ongoing):

  • supporting health, education and social support for girls and young women
  • Funding commitment to date: $8,000

Roya Education and Prevention in Central America (2015-ongoing):

  • education and support to help stop the spread of Roya (coffee leaf rust)
  • Funding commitment to date: $7,000

Past Projects:

APROS Women�s Health Program Support

  • Supports APROS programs in the Lake Atitlan region for widows, maternal health and education
  • CHICA, the first �girls-training-girls� peer education program in Central America
  • Powerful in building self-esteem and generating income for scholarships

"Coffee Talk" � indigenous radio programs with Cultural Survival

"Coffee Kids" Loan Program

  • Brought women's microcredit and health promotion projects to Guatemalan communities

6 out of 10
4 out of 10
3 out of 10
7 out of 10
7 out of 10
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Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
My all-time favorite for many reasons

I can't even estimate how many different kinds of coffee I've tried over the years. I still like to try something new now and then. But day in and day out, I feel like anything other than my favorite Guatemalan French roast is a step down. From the aroma the second I open the bag to the last sip, the smooth but bold flavor is the liquid definition of what I think coffee should be. I know everyone has their personal preferences, but this one is the pinnacle for me, so if you like a dark roast, I recommend giving it a try.

I'd drink it just for the flavor, but there are two added benefits that make it a little more special to me. One is the certifications, including Bird Friendly. And second is a purely personal note. As a much younger man, I made a trip one weekend to Huehuetenango while I was spending a month studying intensive Spanish in Guatemala. The time I spent in country was a great learning experience for me and pointed my life in a new direction. There's a poetic symmetry to knowing that my favorite coffee comes from those volcanic mountains and a few of my dollars help the people who live and work there.

Leeza (Animal Poet)

As always, we greet our order of this most brilliant of
French roasts with appreciation and enthusiasm. Pouring out from our 12-cup stove-top percolator full of this coffee never ceases to be an adventure! This mysterious coffee seems to have the ability to match our moods -- how does it do that???!!! -- and never gets old. This is exciting, intense, nuanced coffee for the true coffee connoisseur who will emerge when the right brew presents itself! French roast is intense, mysterious, elegant, moody, nuanced coffee - - let your palate know that you appreciate its sophistication! If you are not familiar with French roast, start right here!

Animal Poet (Leeza)
This is our "soulmate" coffee" Best French roast we've ever had-it is simply perfect.

French roast is our “soulmate” coffee. We’ve been in love with French roast for decades. Is there a brew we haven’t sampled? Well, I don’t know…however, of all of the French roasts which have slid past our appreciative taste buds, not a single one has matched this fabulous French roast from Guatemala for the characteristics that make French roast, well, French roast. Bold and a tad “moody,” just the way we love it. If you already love French roast, here you go! If you haven’t met French roast yet, might as well start with “perfect!”

Animal Poet (Leeza)
Brilliant coffee, compassion, courage! Drink to all three!

This is our go-to all-the-time coffee! Long-time French-coffee devotees, we have not found any that meet the criteria of exemplary French roast -- or that satisfy us -- as impressively and delightfully as this Guatemalan French Roast Coffee. "Bold, bittersweet, smoky," characteristics which give it the frisky, mischievous quality that endears this most special of roasts to us. In the face of a pandemic which has altered life on Earth, it is virtuosity and courage that keep the coffee coming and make sure that migration resting places are in place for the intrepid, industrious avian voyages. Coffee, compassion and courage. Drink to them!

Animal Poet (Leeza)
In challenging times, we take comfort in this wonderful coffee!

In universally challenging times, we continue to take comfort in this superlative French roast: our cup of sanity!!! Brilliant French roast suits our taste - and this Guatemalan French roast has ended our quest for coffee that perfect; captures what we love about French roast! This coffee is right for every coffee-drinking moment in our house: this coffee means "home."

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