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Organic Colombian Green Coffee (Unroasted)

Product image 1Organic Colombian Green Coffee (Unroasted)
Product image 2a 5lb bag of unroasted Colombian coffee

Regular price $10.75

Cupping Notes: Complex. Full body. Smooth.
USDA Organic Logo Fair Trade Federation Logo

[Region] Cauca, Colombia

[Cooperative] COSURCA

[Partners Since] 1993

[Altitude] 950-1850m

[Varietal] Caturra, Castilla Colombia

[Processing Method] Fully Washed

These green coffee beans from the Cordillera Central are the standard! A complex, full bodied yet smooth flavor.

Our coffee comes from COSURCA, a very small growers group in Popayan. This is the first group of farmers to export their coffee independently in Colombia. Rene, the head of the coop, might be one of the most compassionate, sensitive people I have met. Whenever I am lucky enough to meet up with him, our reunions are filled with hugs, tears, and heart-felt stories about how much our partnership has meant to him and the coffee farmers. The coffee is classic Colombian � a smooth, round cup known for its consistency and flavor.

We stopped roasting Colombian in 1999, when the violence there touched me personally and deeply. Then, in 2002, I met a group of young indigenous Arhuaco farmers from the Sierra Nevada mountains trying desperately to break away from conflict, protect their ancient culture and rebuild their lives. They helped me heal from my own wounds as well. We worked with thse growers, and now the entire coop of COSURCA in Popayan, to protect sacred lands, support elders, preserve indigenous culture and access markets for their organic, fair trade coffees.

Colombia has traditionally set the standard for Latin American coffees, especially with the power of the state and Juan Valdez behind them. It is consistently sweet, medium-bodied, and notably smooth with medium acidity. The best Colombians are really good, but the average Colombian is, well, pretty average, and has been used forever as grocery store and diner coffee. Try and seek out a named coffee from Colombia, from regions such as Narino, Magdelena, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Popayan, and Huila. If it doesn't have a regional identification, it is probably pretty mundane.

Casa de Memoria - 2018 - ongoing

  • Supporting creation of community-based museums to house and preserve indigenous cultural and traditional agricultural knowledge
  • Training for local youth in cultural preservation
  • Funding Commitment to date: $3,600

Landmine Victim Assistance - 2012 - ongoing

  • Ongoing partnership with POLUS Center (or Coffeelands Landmine Trust) providing job training and rehabilitation clinics for landmine victims
  • Funding Commitment to date: $22,000

Indigenous Empowerment - 2009

  • Support, develop, and maintain sacred indigenous knowledge and foster self-determination

Land Re-Purchase Program - 2009

  • Bought back communal land that had been shrunk by government programs

Heart of the World - 2009

  • Initiative to bring elders of the four tribes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains together to walk the sacred spots around their mountains
  • Encouraged the elders to teach knowledge to the next generation

 Fondo Paez Cooperative - 1992

  • Resuscitated indigenous agricultural knowledge and culture which was suppressed through colonization, conflict, and globalization

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

I usually don't care for Columbian Coffee but this was excellent. Roasted to Full City +.


I bought these beans for my dad to try roasting for the first time. We used an air popcorn popper (a cheaper alternative for a home roaster) and roasted them to about a medium, maybe a little more. They were delicious and evenly roasted, even in a popcorn popper! They were fresh, arrived pretty quickly, and had a great and true Columbian flavor.

A Solid Choice for Novice Roasters

Recently got into the roasting game with a Kaldi Mini home roaster. These beans are excellent quality, and make for a delicious, well-balanced cup at both Full City and French roasts, but I can't speak to the lighter roasts. Have found that the flavor development is best at 3-4 days post roast.

These beans are much fresher than the Sweet Maria's bulk I was getting, and more affordable. Customer service is always excellent, and the shipping is quick (at least for those receiving to New England states). Can't wait to try some other varieties!

John Forshort
Excellent for Medium Roast

I used a Turbo Crazy roaster and roasted them to a medium roast (3.5 minutes past first crack at 400 degrees).. Very balanced and bold flavor with a strong American “coffee” flavor. My favorite beans to roast so far.

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