Nicaraguan French Roast

Regular price $14.89
[Roast Level] Dark
[Region] Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
[Cooperative] Prodecoop
[Partners Since] 1994
[Altitude] 1250-1800m
[Varietal] Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon, Typica
[Processing Method] Fully Washed
We’ve collaborated with this community to design and implement the following initiatives:
- Forgotten Children's Literacy Project
- Fruit Tree Reforestation and Income Generation
- Reducing Infant Mortality through Neonatal Trainings
- Roya Education and Prevention
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I am always heartened and humbled when I visit the farmers of Nicaragua. In a country so recently torn by war, the people are amazingly upbeat, compassionate and forgiving - a lesson for us all. Our Nicaraguan partner, PRODECOOP (in Esteli) consistently produces award-winning, high-altitude specialty coffee that we purchase directly.
Our People-Centered Development work includes building the first cafe-roastery in Central America, prosthetics and jobs for landmine victims, and self-esteem building and income generation for women. We are also working on roya (rust bacteria) prevention programs at the community level to insure income for the farmers and great coffee for us going forward.
Nicaragua has become a leading coffee producer in the Americas due to the great volcanic soils and the increased professionalism of the farmers. Nicaraguan coffees are bold yet smooth, relatively low acidity, consistent and well processed. Look for coffees from Esteli, Jinotego, Matagalpa, and Nueva Segovia. The coffees are known for their well-rounded tastes, mild acidity and cocoa undertones.
Forgotten Children Literacy Project (2016-ongoing)
- Mobile libraries and volunteers rotating to distant villages to engage children in literacy and reading programs
- In 2020, expanding program to adult learners
- Funding commitment to date: $9,000
Fruit Tree Reforestation and Income Generation (2017-ongoing)
- Creating fruit tree nurseries
- Project is both for reforestation and soil health, but also income generation from fruits harvested
- Funding commitment to date: $12,000
Neonatal Trainings (2015-ongoing)
- Helping MANOS reduce infant mortality
- provides training to nurses, midwives, and health workers on neo-natal survival techniques
- Funding commitment to date: $4,500
Roya Education and Prevention (2014-ongoing)
- Education and support to stop the spread of Roya (coffee leaf rust)
- Community outreach and trainings
- Funding commitment to date: $8,800
Past Projects
Ben Linder Cafe Roastery to Benefit Landmine Victims (2003-2013)
- Central America's first cafe & roastery to generate income and dignity for landmine victims
- Funding commitment: $12,000
HurricAid for Hurricane Mitch (2005)
- Sponsored a concert to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Mitch
- Raised $9,000
Supporting Landless Protesters (2004)
- Funded food and shelter for 15,000 unemployed coffee farmers during coffee pricing crisis
- Funds provided by Dean's Beans: $1,200
Partnership with Polus Center (2000)
- Nonprofit dedicated to service and advocacy for disabled and disenfranchised populations
Walking Unidos (2000)
- Provided prosthetic limbs and therapy to landmine victims
- Funded by the Ben Linder cafe in Leon