Sumatran French Roast

Regular price $14.99
[Roast Level] Dark
[Region] Takengon, Sumatra
[Cooperative] KGLA
[Partners Since] 2020
[Altitude] 1800m
[Varietal] Bourbon, Catimor, S-228, Linie-S
[Processing Method] Wet-hulled
We’ve collaborated with this community to design and implement the following initiatives:
- "Taking Flight" Migratory Bird Research and Reforestation Program
- Protection and restoration of critical endangered species habitat, like orangutans
- Water Piping Upgrade Project
- Eco-management using Water Buffalo
Read more below...
I have been in love with Indonesia since the mid-1970's. In 1990, I organized a project for Coffee Kids that brought clean water to over 1,500 coffee villagers. Recently, our Reclaiming Sumatra project has supported water projects, reforestation and land reclamation in coffee villages, and an innovative water buffalo eco-management project (the first buffalo was named Uncle Dean!).
Our Sumatran beans, grown in the Gayo highlands of Ache Province, are a class example of Sumatran coffees. The coffee is grown on small, heavily shaded plots of 2-4 acres above 1,100 meters, by the KGLA Cooperative.This is a singularly full-bodied coffee, very low in acidity. It is a very hard bean and holds its character deep into the dark roast stage.
The lush forest cover and rich volcanic soils of this region make for very full-bodied coffees. The highest-rated coffees in Indonesia come from northern Sumatra. There, the Gayo Mountain, Lintong, and Mandheling coffees take top prizes as among the best in the world. Super full-bodied, slightly sweet and syrupy, with a touch of earthiness (sometimes a lot of it!) that so distinguishes these coffees. Amazingly low in acid.
"Taking Flight" Migratory Bird Program (2019-ongoing)
- Reforestation of bird habitat, and bird surveys
- Partnership with Leuser Foundation and Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
- Funding commitment to date: $16,800
"Reclaiming Sumatra" (2017-ongoing)
- Orangutan habitat restoration
- Reforestation and land rights in Aceh
- 11,000 hardwoods planted
- Water piping upgrade project
- Funding commitment to date: $10,200
"Paman Dean" Eco-management using Water Buffaloes (2009-ongoing)
- Farmer-generated idea to use water buffaloes for fertilizer
- Funding commitment to date: $8,000
Past Projects
Water Project for Coffee Kids (1990)
- Brought water to 1,500 coffee villages in Sumatra
- Promoted sustainability and improved the standard of living
Reclaiming Sumatra (1990)
- Supported reforestation and land reclamation projects in addition to the water project