Asociacion Barillense de Agricultores

Image: A young farmer wearing a sunhat, grey t-shirt and jeans surrounded by coffee plants.

Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Our Guatemalan beans come from Asociacion Barillense de Agricultores (ASOBAGRI), an industrious cooperative located in the mountains of Huehuetenango. We have been partnered with them since 2001. ASOBAGRI has worked for years to achieve consistent, specialty-grade coffee favored by many leading micro-roasters. Over the years, ASOBAGRI has instituted literacy courses, organic and sustainable farming trainings and many other initiatives made possible by Fair Trade and Direct premiums. ASOBAGRI is one of our sources for SMBC Bird Friendly certified coffee.

We have worked directly with farm communities in Guatemala for over two decades during times of peace and of conflict. Our innovative, award-winning programs include women's microcredit, flood relief and ASOBAGRI's successful Youth in Agroforestry program.

Image: A group of Guatemalan women sitting at a bench, having a conversation with Dean.


Useful Expressions

'Utsa Quesh' - Hello! (in Tzutzuil)

'Es peligroso nadar en el lago?' - Is it dangerous to swim in the lake?

Our Guatemalan Coffees

The volcanic slopes of Huehuetenango produce a small, dark green bean that delivers a smoky flavor, with medium acidity and vanilla and chocolate undertones. Here are all the coffees and blends that use Guatemalan coffee:

People-Centered Development Projects

Youth in Agroforestry (2017 - ongoing)

  • Young farmers fruit tree reforestation and income program.
  • Empowering young farmers with information and land to continue in agricultural traditions of their ancestors.
  • Educating farmers on how to combine traditional farming techniques with new technologies to combat climate change.
  • Funding commitment to date: $16,000

Empowering Girls in Guatemala (2008-ongoing)

  • Health, education and social support for girls and young women.
  • Funding commitment to date: $8,000

Roya Education and Prevention in Central America (2015-2021)

  • Education and support to help stop the spread of Roya (coffee leaf rust).
  • Funding: $8,000

APROS Women’s Health Program Support

  • Supports APROS programs in the Lake Atitlan region for widows, maternal health and education.
  • CHICA; the first “girls-training-girls” peer education program in Central America.
  • Powerful in building self-esteem and generating income for scholarships.

"Coffee Talk" Radio

  • Indigenous radio programs with Cultural Survival that spread coffee technological information to rural communities.

"Coffee Kids" Loan Program

  • Brought women's microcredit and health promotion projects to Guatemalan communities.

Farmer shows off healthy compost to fertilize nursery seedlings


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